Sermons from 2018
Back to Sermon ArchiveDecember 30, 2018
Sunday School: Evangelism (Pt. 1: Definitions)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: Evangelism
December 23, 2018
Born Again/Born From Above (The Christmas Story: Part II)
Preacher: Series: Christmas Passage: John 3:1–18
December 16, 2018
Sunday School: Missions (Pt.6: Reforming Short-Term Missions)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: Missions
December 16, 2018
The Satanic, Anarchistic, Autonomous, De-Godding Revolution (The Christmas Story: Part I)
Preacher: Series: Christmas Passage: Genesis 3:1–19
December 9, 2018
Sunday School: Missions (Pt.5: Healthy Missions Partnerships)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: Missions
December 9, 2018
Responding Faithfully and Prayerfully to Trials
Preacher: Series: General Passage: James 1:1–8
December 2, 2018
Worthy of the Gospel
Preacher: Alex Bloomfield Series: General Passage: Philippians 1:27–30
November 25, 2018
Sunday School: Missions (Pt.4: Getting the House in Order)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: Missions
November 18, 2018
Sunday School: Missions (Pt.3: Sending and Supporting Well)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: Missions
November 11, 2018
Sunday School: Missions (Pt 2: First Things First: The Gospel)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: Missions
October 28, 2018
Sunday School: Missions (Pt.1: A Biblical Foundation)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: Missions
October 21, 2018
Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification (Pt. 15)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification
October 14, 2018
Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification (Pt.14)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification
October 14, 2018
Bearing Witness Under Persecution: the Good, the Bad, and the Forgiven
Preacher: Series: Luke Passage: Luke 22:47–71
September 30, 2018
Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification (Part 13)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification
September 23, 2018
Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification (Pt. 12)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification
September 16, 2018
Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification (Pt. 11)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification
September 9, 2018
Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification (Pt. 10)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification Passage: Romans 6:15–23
September 9, 2018
And That is What Some of You Were
Preacher: Series: General Passage: 1 Corinthians 6:1–11
September 2, 2018
Guard The Good Deposit
Preacher: Alex Bloomfield Series: General Passage: 2 Timothy 1:6–14
August 19, 2018
Sunday School: Angels and Heavenly Tabernacles
Preacher: Wyatt Graham Series: Sunday School: Stand Alone Sessions
August 19, 2018
Ordering Our Grief
Preacher: Wyatt Graham Series: Guest Preacher Passage: Lamentations 1:1– 5:22
August 12, 2018
Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification (Pt. 9)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification
August 5, 2018
Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification (Pt. 8)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification
July 29, 2018
Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification (Pt. 7)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification Passage: Romans 6:1–14
July 29, 2018
Alex Bloomfield's Ordination Sermon
Preacher: Series: General Passage: 1 Timothy 4:12–16
July 22, 2018
Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Preacher: Series: Luke Passage: Luke 13:31–35, Luke 19:28–44, Luke 23:26–31
July 8, 2018
Sunday School: Evangelism
Preacher: Paul McDonald Series: Sunday School: Stand Alone Sessions
July 8, 2018
Consider How To Encourage One Another
Preacher: Paul McDonald Series: Guest Preacher Passage: Hebrews 10:24–25
July 1, 2018
The High Walls of Divorce: Guarding Gospel Treasure
Preacher: Series: Luke Passage: Luke 16:18–19
June 17, 2018
Love Like God Loves
Preacher: Steve Kim Series: Guest Preacher Passage: Ephesians 5:1–2
June 10, 2018
Sunday School: Haggai
Preacher: Alex Bloomfield Series: Sunday School: The Minor, Minor Prophets Passage: Haggai 1:1– 2:23
June 10, 2018
Don't Worry: Instead, Trust God and Seek His Kingdom
Preacher: Series: Luke Passage: Luke 12:22–34
May 27, 2018
Sunday School: Politics and the Christian
Preacher: Krudo de Jesus Series: Sunday School: Wise as Serpants, Gentle as Doves
May 27, 2018
Where Your Treasure Is, There Your Heart Will Be Also
Preacher: Series: Luke Passage: Luke 12:13–21
April 29, 2018
Sunday School: Zephaniah
Preacher: Alex Bloomfield Series: Sunday School: The Minor, Minor Prophets Passage: Zephaniah 1:1– 3:20
April 22, 2018
Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification (Pt. 3)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification
April 8, 2018
Sunday School: Nahum
Preacher: Alex Bloomfield Series: Sunday School: The Minor, Minor Prophets Passage: Nahum 1:1– 3:19
April 1, 2018
Flesh and Blood Cannot Inherit the Kingdom of God
Preacher: Series: Easter Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:38–53
March 25, 2018
Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification (Pt. 2)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification
March 25, 2018
The Suffering Messiah and His Suffering Disciples
Preacher: Series: Luke Passage: Luke 9:18–26
March 18, 2018
Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification (Pt. 1)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification
March 11, 2018
Sunday School: Obadiah
Preacher: Alex Bloomfield Series: Sunday School: The Minor, Minor Prophets Passage: Obadiah 1:1–21
March 4, 2018
Sunday School: Elder-Led Congregationalism (Pt. 7)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: What is a Healthy Church? Topic: Elder-Led Congregationalism
February 18, 2018
Sunday School: Elder-Led Congregationalism (Pt .6)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: What is a Healthy Church? Topic: Elder-Led Congregationalism
February 18, 2018
Sinned Much, Forgiven Much . . . Loves Much
Preacher: Series: Luke Passage: Luke 7:36–50
February 11, 2018
Sunday School: Elder-Led Congregationalism (Pt. 5)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: What is a Healthy Church? Topic: Elder-Led Congregationalism
February 4, 2018
Sunday School: Elder-Led Congregationalism (Pt. 4)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: What is a Healthy Church? Topic: Elder-Led Congregationalism
January 28, 2018
Sunday School: Elder-Led Congregationalism (Pt.3)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: What is a Healthy Church? Topic: Elder-Led Congregationalism
January 21, 2018
Sunday School: Elder-Led Congregationalism (Pt.2)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: What is a Healthy Church? Topic: Elder-Led Congregationalism
January 21, 2018
Today this Scripture is Fulfilled in Your Hearing
Preacher: Series: Luke Passage: Luke 4:14–30
January 14, 2018
Sunday School: Elder-Led Congregationalism (Pt 1)
Preacher: Series: Sunday School: What is a Healthy Church? Topic: Elder-Led Congregationalism
January 14, 2018
Jesus the Son of God Faithfully Resists the Devil's Temptations
Preacher: Series: Luke Passage: Luke 4:1–13
January 7, 2018
Sunday School: A Theology of Our Greatest Problems
Preacher: Wyatt Graham Series: Sunday School: Stand Alone Sessions Passage: Genesis 3:1–22
January 7, 2018
Real Love
Preacher: Wyatt Graham Series: Guest Preacher Passage: Song of Solomon 3:6– 5:1