The "I Am" Statements of Jesus
Back to Sermon ArchiveMarch 6, 2016
Jesus, The True Vine
Preacher: Series: The "I Am" Statements of Jesus Passage: John 15:1–8
February 7, 2016
Jesus, the Shepherd of the Sheep
Preacher: Series: The "I Am" Statements of Jesus Passage: John 10:1–21
January 31, 2016
Jesus, the Light of the World
Preacher: Series: The "I Am" Statements of Jesus Passage: John 8:12–30
January 24, 2016
Jesus, the Bread From Heaven
Preacher: Series: The "I Am" Statements of Jesus Passage: John 6:25–58
January 17, 2016
Jesus, The Eternal Word
Preacher: Series: The "I Am" Statements of Jesus Passage: John 1:1–14