The Olive Tree

July 29, 2012 Preacher: Series: Romans

Passage: Romans 11:11–22

God's Salvation Timeline

Step 1: Israel rejects the gospel.

Step 2: Salvation blessings flow to the Gentiles.

Step 3: The salvation blessings of the Gentiles serve to make Israel envious, which in turn leads to Israel’s “fullness” (12) and “acceptance” (15).

Step 4: The "greater riches", bestowed upon the world through Israel’s “fullness” and “acceptance”, is life from the dead: that is, the resurrection after Christ returns in glory, the climatic end of salvation history.



Point # 1 God’s purpose in his present-day rejection of "the others", those Jews hardened by God in their sin and excluded from his righteousness (vv. 11-15).

Point # 2 The Olive Tree: the interrelationship of Jews and Gentiles, and a warning against Gentile pride (vv. 16-22).