Gospel-Centered Marriage (Retreat)

December 1, 2012 Preacher: Series: General

1. Gospel-centered marriages begin with husbands who love their wives like Jesus loved the church in his death.

a. “headship” (or leadership) is not commanded in this passage. Love is commanded.

2. How does the cross and the gospel connect to husbands, to empower our love for our wives?

a. We recall the death and resurrection of Jesus and connect that to some biblical commands about husbanding. (1 Peter 3:7; Colossians 3:19)

3. In a gospel centered marriage, the wife submits herself to her husband, as the church submits to Jesus.

a. The wife’s motive in submitting to her husband is to submit to Christ.
b. By submitting to her husband, the wife is submitting to Christ, because the husband has been invested with Jesus’ delegated authority.
c. Banish all mock submission!

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