1. Setting of the appearance (1:26-27)
2. Gabriel’s Announcement: Mary, a girl betrothed to Joseph, a descendent of David, is informed of God’s choice of her to bear a child, named Jesus. He will be called “the Son of the Most High” and will reign over Israel as the Davidic Messiah. His Kingdom and his reign will be eternal (28-33). Jesus’ regal, Davidic connection is the basic Christological starting point for Luke’s presentation of the person of Jesus.
3. Mary’s inquiry: “How can this be? I am a virgin.” (34)
4. Gabriel’s answer: “His birth will be due to the influence of the Holy Spirit upon you – the power of the Most High will overshadow you - so that your child will indeed be God’s Son.” (35)
5.The fact that Mary’s cousin, Elizabeth, has already conceived a child in her old age by supernatural means acts as a confirmation to Mary of the angelic message (36).
6. Lesson: nothing is impossible with God (37)!
7. Acceptance of a willing servant (38)
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Jesus the King, the Son of David