Our corporate worship service on Sunday, Feb 16 has been cancelled due to the Winter storm.

See you Thursday for prayer meeting!

Christian Fellowship and Contentment in the Gospel

March 3, 2013 Preacher: Series: 1 Timothy

Passage: 1 Timothy 6:1–8

"Only the godly will be content - and all the contented will be godly."

1. Our relationship with Christ changes every earthly relationship – even the fellowship between a Christian slave and his master. This has a direct bearing on our contentment (1-2a).

2. Bad teaching produces bad living (2b-5).

3. Where is Christian contentment found (6-8)?

a) In having a proper perspective of birth and death.
b) In having food and clothing.

More in 1 Timothy

March 17, 2013

A Call to Christian Perseverance

March 10, 2013

Why Would a Christian Want to Get Rich?

February 24, 2013

Widows in the Church