Leviticus 1:1-17
Main point of the passage: The Lord accepts with pleasure whoever comes into his presence by substitutionary atonement through the shedding of blood.
Summary of Passage
1-2 Introduction
3-9 Burnt offerings of cattle
10-13 Burnt offerings of sheep and goats
14-17 Burnt offerings of birds
Point # 1 The Lord accepts the worshiper who draws near on the basis of a substitutionary sacrifice (1:3, 10, 14).
A. The sacrifice may be brought by anyone
B. The atoning sacrifice must be perfect
Point # 2 The Lord requires that the blood and body of the substitute be sacrificed to make atonement (1:4–9a, 11–13a, 15–17a).
A. The worshiper must be identified with the sacrifice and symbolically transfer his sins to the sacrifice
B. The body and blood of the sacrifice are surrendered
C. The sacrifice atones
Point # 3 The Lord is pleased with the sacrifice (1:9b, 13b, 17b).
More in Leviticus
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