Delighting in Leviticus: Dedication and Remembrance Follow Atonement

July 21, 2013 Preacher: Series: Leviticus

Passage: Leviticus 2

Delighting in Leviticus: “Dedication and Remembrance Follow Atonement”

Leviticus 2

Main Point: Those who are loyal to the covenant, and whose sin has been atoned for, will offer themselves and the best they have to the Lord as a token of their covenantal dedication to the Lord, and to remember his gracious atonement. Dedication and remembrance follow atonement!

Point # 1 The Lord desires that his people demonstrate their covenantal dedication to him by offering a token of their substance in tribute (2:1, 4, 14)

Point # 2 The grain offering serves as a memorial – a memorial of atonement and a memorial of covenantal dedication – which the Lord is pleased to accept (2:2–3, 8–10, 16).

Point # 3 The Lord requires that the grain offering (which is a dedicatory offering) be free of corruption and faithful to the covenant. (2:4–7, 11–13)

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