Waiting for Jesus: the Parable of the Bags of Gold

October 20, 2013 Preacher: Series: General

Passage: Matthew 25:14– :30

Waiting for Jesus: the Parable of the Bags of Gold

Matthew 25:14-30

MAIN POINT: Christians are to wait for the Lord Jesus’ return as slaves commissioned to improve their master’s assets.

What does it mean to be a Jesus’ slave? A slave is someone whose person and service belongs wholly to another.

Point # 1 Like the master, God commissions his people to improve his assets.

Point # 2 Like the two good slaves, God’s people will be commended and rewarded when they have faithfully discharged that commission: they will be given more responsibility in the new heavens and new earth, and will share in their master’s joy.

Point # 3 Like the wicked slave, those who fail to improve their master’s assets will be punished by separation from God and all things good: they will be cast into hell.

5 Further points*

1) Our waiting for Jesus return is never merely passive.

2) Our task as Christians as we wait for the master’s return is to improve his assets – not our own. And copping out is not an option.

3) Presupposed is that Jesus’ slaves joyously recognize their responsibly – they have pride, and loving loyalty to the master. They take slavery seriously, out of profound love for the master.

4) It’s for our good that we adore our master and do what ever he wants.

5) The slave who fails to improve his master’s assets does not get into heaven anyways, with certain responsibilities revoked, while enjoying a smaller portion of his master’s joy: he is cast into hell.

* An adaptation of an outline by D.A. Carson.

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