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The Heroes Who Endured by Faith....and Jesus, our Supreme Example

February 16, 2014 Preacher: Series: Hebrews

Passage: Hebrews 11:1– 12:3

Point # 1 Christian: await with glad faith the fulfillment of the yet outstanding promises of God, as did the OT men and women of faith . . .and so persevere in the faith (11:1-40)

A.The triumphs of faith before the Flood (4-7)

  • Abel
  • Enoch
  • Noah

B.The triumphs of faith in Abraham and his descendants (8–22)

  • Abraham’s faith is displayed in his obedient response to God’s call for him to go to an unknown land (vv. 8–10).
  • By faith, Abraham - along with Sarah, who was barren - was enabled to become a father, with the result that God would give them both countless descendants (vv. 11–12).
  • The Old Testament heroes of faith were looking forward to a heavenly country, a city built by God (13-16).
  • Abraham’s faith is displayed in his willingness to sacrifice the very son on whom the divine promises depended (vv. 17–18). His motivation was that he believed God could even raise the dead (v. 19).
  • The faith of Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph (20-22).

C.The triumphs of faith in the Mosaic era (23-31)

D.The triumphs of faith in subsequent eras . . .both triumphant heroes, and suffering heroes (32-40)

Point #2 Christian: run the race of faith with endurance, fixing your eyes on Jesus, our supreme example of faith (12:1-3).