The Lord Desires Your Heart . . . Not Your Money
March 23, 2014 Preacher: Series: The Christian and Money
Passage: 1 Timothy 6:9-10–17-19
Point # 1 Guard your heart, Christian: the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil (9-10).
Point # 2 Those who are rich in this age must conduct themselves in light of eschatological realities (17-19).
The structure of verses 17-19
To the rich Christians:
- Do not be arrogant
- Do not set your hope in riches but on God
- Do good
- Be rich in good works
- Be generous with your money (committed generosity is the best Christian response to greed)
The reason why the rich should do these things: in order to grasp true, eschatological eternal life.
A few biblical principles to remember over the course of this sermon series . . .*
- Ownership: all of our money belongs to God.
- Stewardship: we are to be faithful managers of God’s money.
- Morality: money is not evil; however, it can be used to expose the evil that inhabits our hearts.
- Materialism: we are drawn toward desiring and idolizing money and possessions.
- The Treasure Principle: you cannot take it with you, but you can send it on ahead.
***Taken from Randy Alcorn’s “Managing God’s Money: a Biblical Guide
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