The Lord Desires Your Heart . . . Not Your Money

March 23, 2014 Preacher: Series: The Christian and Money

Passage: 1 Timothy 6:9-10–17-19

Point # 1 Guard your heart, Christian: the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil (9-10).

Point # 2 Those who are rich in this age must conduct themselves in light of eschatological realities (17-19).

The structure of verses 17-19

To the rich Christians:

  1. Do not be arrogant
  2. Do not set your hope in riches but on God
  3. Do good
  4. Be rich in good works
  5. Be generous with your money (committed generosity is the best Christian response to greed)

The reason why the rich should do these things: in order to grasp true, eschatological eternal life.

A few biblical principles to remember over the course of this sermon series . . .*

  • Ownership: all of our money belongs to God.
  • Stewardship: we are to be faithful managers of God’s money.
  • Morality: money is not evil; however, it can be used to expose the evil that inhabits our hearts.
  • Materialism: we are drawn toward desiring and idolizing money and possessions.
  • The Treasure Principle: you cannot take it with you, but you can send it on ahead.

***Taken from Randy Alcorn’s “Managing God’s Money: a Biblical Guide

More in The Christian and Money

April 6, 2014

Wicked Worry and Uncompromised Trust

March 30, 2014

The Parable of the Rich Fool