Wicked Worry and Uncompromised Trust
April 6, 2014 Preacher: Series: The Christian and Money
Passage: Luke 12:22–34
Main Point of the Passage: material necessities are not valid causes of worry among the heirs of the kingdom, and must never supplant our prior commitment to the kingdom of God.
Point # 1 Put your trust in the sovereign goodness of God, and do not worry about material necessities. God has pledged to care for his own (22-28)
Point # 2 These same needs become opportunities for living a life distinctive from the pagan world, who never learn to trust God for basic necessities (29-30)
Point # 3 Seek God’s kingdom – which God has already given you - and all the necessities will be provided (31-32)
To “seek God’s kingdom” is the desire above all to enter into, submit to, and participate in spreading the good news of the saving reign of God - the messianic Kingdom already inaugurated by Jesus - and to live so as to store up treasures in heaven in the prospect of the kingdom’s consummation.
Point # 4 Lay up treasure in heaven (33-34)

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