The Supremacy of Christ: From Creation to New Creation
August 24, 2014 Preacher: Mat Brideau Series: Guest Preacher
Passage: Colossians 1:15– :23
Colossians 1:15-23
The Big Idea: Jesus Christ is the one whom all things were created through, and for. It is
through the death of Jesus on the cross that God will present believers as acceptable to
himself if they continue to stand firm in the gospel they have received.
Point #1 Christ and the first creation. (Vs 15-16)
Point #2 In Christ all things are held together. (Vs 17)
Point #3 Christ and the new creation. (Vs 18-19)
Point # 4 Believers are reconciled to God through the death of Christ. (Vs 20-22)
Point # 5 Believers are to stand firm in the gospel of Christ. (Vs 23)
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