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Jesus, the Son of God

December 20, 2015 Preacher: Series: Advent

Passage: Luke 1:26–38

“Jesus, the Son of God”

Luke 1:26-38

“Sonship” in the Bible

· Israel as an entire nation is called God’s Son (Hos. 11:1 “Out of Egypt I have called my Son”).

· Angels are referred to as the Sons of God (Gen 6:2, Job 1:6 and 2:1).

· The Davidic King who prefigures the office of the messiah is called God’s Son (Ps. 2:12”Kiss the Son, or he will be angry.”)

· Citizens of God’s kingdom - people whose conduct reflects the conduct of God himself - are literally called “Sons of God” (Matthew 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God)

· Jesus is called God’s unique Son (John 3:16 “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son).

“Son of God” or “God’s Son” in reference to Jesus specifically.

· Jesus is the perfect Israel and the perfect David, and the two notions are held together by the one rubric, Son of God.

· Jesus is the pre-existent Son, God’s agent in creation, the second person of the Trinity.

· There is also a “catch-all” use.

1. Setting of the appearance (1:26-27)

2. Gabriel’s Announcement: Mary, a girl betrothed to Joseph, a descendent of David, is informed of God’s choice of her to bear a child, named Jesus. He will be called “the Son of the Most High” and will reign over Israel as the Davidic Messiah. His Kingdom and his reign will be eternal. Jesus’ regal, Davidic connection is the basic Christological starting point for Luke’s presentation of the person of Jesus (28-33).

3. Mary’s inquiry: “How can this be? I am a virgin.” (34)

4. Gabriel’s answer: “His birth will be due to the influence of the Holy Spirit upon you – the power of the Most High will overshadow you - so that your child will indeed be God’s Son.” (35)

5.The fact that Mary’s cousin, Elizabeth, has already conceived a child in her old age by supernatural means acts as a confirmation to Mary of the angelic message (36).

6. Lesson: nothing is impossible with God (37)!

7. Acceptance by a willing servant (38)

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