Our corporate worship service on Sunday, Feb 16 has been cancelled due to the Winter storm.

See you Thursday for prayer meeting!

Women in the Church (part III) - Discipling

December 4, 2016 Preacher: Series: Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

Passage: Titus 2:3–5

Women in the Church (part III)

“Discipling Others: Doing Intentional Spiritual Good to Help Others Follow Jesus”

Titus 2:3-5

Point # 1 What is discipling? Intentional Spiritual Friendships

· Discipling is intentional and deliberate: it doesn’t just happen. It requires us deciding, with God’s help, to work to be a conduit for pouring spiritual blessing into the life of another person.

· Discipling is relational: it requires us reaching out to get to know other people and invest time in them for their spiritual good. It requires us (as a part of the local church) to invest real time in real people.

· Discipling is loving: there is no greater way that we can show love to fellow believer in Christ than by deliberately, thoughtfully considering how we can do them good spiritually through our relationship with them.

· Discipling involves training in God’s word: we want the word to reform and change people, and not our opinions and personal ideas.

Point # 2

Question: Where should we disciple?

Answer: In the context of the local church, member to member.

Reason #1: Because God has called the church to be pure.

Reason #2: Because you do not have every spiritual gift

Reason #3: Because a church provides better and greater accountability.

Reason #4: Because you have a limited amount of time.

Reason #5: Because God is glorified as the body grows together

Reason #6: Because building up the church is what you were gifted to do

Reason #7: Because discipling is a primary way to show love for Christ and for his church.

Reason #8: Because church-based discipling displays unity in the midst of diversity

Reason #9: Because the church is most healthy when it has a whole “culture of discipling.”

Point # 3 How should we disciple?

· Choose someone

· Have clear aims: Help people understand more and live better!

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