Sunday School: The Hope of the Resurrection

July 23, 2017 Preacher: Series: Sunday School: Supplements to Daniel Sermon Series

Passage: 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18


1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Point # 1 (13-14): Christians, be informed and do not hopelessly grieve: those who have “fallen asleep” in Jesus will return with him.

Point # 2 (15-17a): Jesus’ parousia (coming) and the resurrection.

Point # 3 (17b-18):  Christians, encourage one another other: we will be with the Lord forever!



  • The word rapture is not a New Testament word. The English word comes from the Latin verb rapio (“seize” or “carry away”), which was used in the Vulgate (the Latin translation of the bible) to translate the Greek word ἁρπαγησόμεθα “we will be caught up [to meet the Lord in the air]” (1 Thessalonians 4:17.)

The popular (but not biblical, I would argue) sense of “rapture”

  1. Christians are physically moved off the earth into heaven by the Lord.
  2. This physical “taking away” is also usually thought to be necessary to rescue believers from harm (the Final Tribulation)
  • The more important aspect of rapture in the New Testament is bodily transformation. Theologically, rapture is best seen as a parallel to resurrection. When the Lord returns, dead Christians are raised from the dead, living Christians are raptured . . . and both are brought into Christ’s presence as he continues his journey to earth to reign.

More in Sunday School: Supplements to Daniel Sermon Series

August 13, 2017

Sunday School: False Teaching, Last Times

July 16, 2017

Sunday School: There Will Be a Delay Before the Return of Christ

July 9, 2017

Sunday School: Post-Tribulation Rapture