Point # 1: The birth of John the Baptist foretold (5-25)
Point # 2: The birth of John the Baptist (57-66)
Point # 3: Zechariah’s Song (67-80)
Zechariah, through the Holy Spirit, praises God because God has come, God has visited his covenant people, Israel, and God is redeeming them, or liberating them, through the person of his divine messiah, whom Zechariah calls “a horn of salvation.” This Horn of Salvation is a biological descendant of King David, as the Old Testament scriptures prophesied the Messiah would be.
The Lord, through His divine Messiah . . . .
- will redeem/liberate his people in accordance with what the prophets foretold (68-70)
- will deliver his people from their enemies because he remembers his holy covenant with Abraham (71-73)
- And all for this purpose: that after their rescue, his people may forever serve God in holiness, without fear, in holiness and righteousness (74-75)
John, the prophet of the Most High God . . .
- Will prepare the way for Jesus.
- Will tell God’s people how to find (“to give a knowledge of”) salvation through the forgiveness of their sins. (76-77)
Jesus, the Rising Sun, comes to us from heaven . . .
- because of God’s mercy.
- to shine on those living in spiritual darkness and in the shadow of death.
- to guide the feet of his people into the path of peace (78-80)
More in Luke
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