Jesus is God

February 4, 2018 Preacher: Series: Luke

Passage: Luke 5:33– 6:11

Big Picture:  Luke describes a series of controversies in 5:33–6:11 that explain the kind of opposition Jesus’ ministry receives. These controversies shed light on Jesus’ divinity and what he came to do. The initial controversy concerns fasting, while the next two deal with the Sabbath. In each case, Jesus’ divine authority is expressed or implied, and testifies to the new era of salvation he sovereignly inaugurates.

Jesus fulfills Old Testament prophecy, but explodes Jewish expectations – thus leading to his murder on the cross.

  1. Jesus claims to be the divine bridegroom of Old Testament scripture (5:33-35)
  2. Jesus claims to be new wine that needs to be poured into a new wineskin: an eschatological/covenantal claim God alone can make (5:36-39)
  3. Jesus claims to be the Greater King David, and Lord of the Sabbath, a prerogative of God alone (6:1-6)
  4. Jesus heals on the Sabbath (6:7-11)

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