Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification (Pt. 2)
March 25, 2018 Preacher: Series: Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification
A. Forerunners
1. Wesleyan Perfectionism: “Perfect Love Toward God and Man” (Wesley, Fletcher, Clarke)
2. The Holiness Movement: Modified Wesleyan Perfectionism
a. Methodist Perfectionism: Emphasis on the Crisis of Christian Perfection (Phoebe Palmer, Camp Meetings)
b. Oberlin Perfectionism: The Perfection of a Human’s Autonomous Free Will (Finney, Mahan)
c. The Higher Life Movement: Immediate Sanctification by Faith, Transdenominational (Boardman, R. P. & H. W. Smith)
B. Propagators
1. Eight Leaders of the Early Keswick Convention
a. Thomas Dundas Harford-Battersby (1823-83) and Robert Wilson (1824-1905): Keswick’s Founders
b. James Elder Cumming (1830-1917): Keswick’s Exemplar
c. Evan Henry Hopkins (1837-1918): Keswick’s Formative Theologian
d. Hanmer William Webb-Peploe (1837-1923): Keswick’s Orator
e. Handley Carr Glyn Moule (1841-1920): Keswick’s Scholar
f. Frederick Brotherton Meyer (1847-1929): Keswick’s International Ambassador
g. Charles Armstrong Fox (1836-1900): Keswick’s Poet
2. Eight Other Prominent Propagators of Keswick Theology
a. Andrew Murray (1828-1917): Keswick’s Foremost Devotional Author
b. James Hudson Taylor (1832-1905) and Amy Wilson Carmichael (1867-1951): Keswick’s Foremost Missionaries
c. Frances Ridley Havergal (1836-1879): Keswick’s Hymnist
d. Arthur Tappan Pierson (1837-1911): Keswick’s American Ambassador
e. William Henry Griffith Thomas (1861-1924),Charles Gallaudet Trumbull (1872- 1941) and Robert Crawford McQuilkin (1886-1952): Keswick’s Leaders of the Victorious Life Movement
More in Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification
October 21, 2018
Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification (Pt. 15)October 14, 2018
Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification (Pt.14)September 30, 2018
Sunday School: Higher Life Theology and Biblical Sanctification (Part 13)