The Suffering Messiah and His Suffering Disciples

March 25, 2018 Preacher: Series: Luke

Passage: Luke 9:18–26

Big Picture: Peter’s confession of Jesus as God’s Messiah brings a major shift in Luke’s Gospel. Up to this point, the focus has been Jesus’ ministry and identity. But with Peter’s confession, Jesus begins to discuss his suffering directly, while preparing his disciples for his departure and their own suffering as Christians. Though the apostles know who Jesus is, they do not yet know the character of his messianic ministry. After Peter’s confession, the nature of Jesus’ ministry is a major concern, as Jesus’ repeated statements of his coming suffering show (9:22, 44; 12:5013:31–33; 17:2518:31–33).

Main Point: “The cross of our Messiah must always define our discipleship to Jesus.”

Point 1: Peter’s Confession: Jesus is God’s Messiah (18-20)

  • However, even Peter’s confession needs additional definition – alone, it’s inadequate.

Point 2:  Jesus the Messiah must suffer (21-22)

Point 3: Christians must suffer (23-26)

  • Christian, take up your cross daily!
  • Christian, lose your life for Christ’s sake—only to save it!
  • Christian, do not be ashamed of the Son of Man! 

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