Don't Worry: Instead, Trust God and Seek His Kingdom
June 10, 2018 Preacher: Series: Luke
Passage: Luke 12:22–34
“Only one life, twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.” (C.T. Studd)
Balance and Precision: There is a sense in which worry is not only good, but its absence is, biblically speaking, irresponsible. But there is also a sense in which worry is not only evil, its presence signifies unbelief and disobedience.
Main Point: Material necessities are not valid causes of worry among the heirs of the kingdom and must never supplant our prior commitment to the kingdom of God. In other words, instead of being worried about material necessities, seek God's kingdom, Christian! Worry is not to be characteristic of the believer, because it’s the result of a faulty view of God.
- Christian, put your trust in the sovereign goodness of God, and do not worry about material necessities. God has pledged to care for his own (22-28)
- These same needs then become opportunities for living a life distinctive from the unbelieving world, who never learn to trust God for basic necessities (29-30)
- Christian, seek God’s kingdom – which God has already given you - and all the necessities of life will be provided (31-32)
- To “seek God’s kingdom” is the desire above all else to enter into, submit to, and participate in spreading the good news of the saving reign of God - the messianic Kingdom already inaugurated by Jesus - and to live so as to store up treasures in heaven in the prospect of the kingdom’s consummation.
- Christian, lay up treasure in heaven, not on earth. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (33-34)
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