Sunday School: Evangelism
July 8, 2018 Preacher: Paul McDonald Series: Sunday School: Stand Alone Sessions
Ten Essential Convictions
From Matthew
1. Judgement Day is coming. (Matthew 25:31-46)
2. Hell is real. (Matthew 25:41, 46)
3. Evangelism is commanded. (Matthew 28:18-20)
4. Fear God, not man. (Matthew 10:26-33)
5. Jesus saves sinners. (Matthew 1:1-21; 9:9-13)
From Romans
6. Faith comes from hearing. (Romans 10:17)
7. The gospel is powerful to save. (Romans 1:16)
From Acts
8. The gospel will be opposed. (Acts 13:44-52)
9. The gospel will be believed. (Acts 13:44-52)
10. God’s salvation plan advances as we pray. (Acts 1:14; 4:23-31; 13:1-3; cf. Luke)
Ten Practical Suggestions
- Use gospel bites. (See John Dickson’s The Best Kept Secret of Christian Mission)
- Do One-to-One Bible reading with an unbeliever. (See David Helm’s One to One)
- Practice hospitality. (Have people in your home; or a place they’d be comfortable)
- Share the gospel at your church gatherings.
- Ask lots of questions:
- How as your weekend?
- Are you a Christian?
- What do you think of Jesus?
- What do you believe?
- Did you used to believe in God? What lead you to change your beliefs?
- Why do you believe what you believe?
- What is the ultimate authority for your beliefs? And why?
- What? Why? How? When? Who?
- Don’t speak too long at any one time.
- Share the overall story of the Bible (Gen-Rev); this helps people make sense of Jesus.
- Be honest.
- Be yourself.
- Share Scripture. (use a little Bible, your phone, or from Scripture memorization)
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