The Return of the King

September 16, 2018 Preacher: Series: Luke

Passage: Luke 21:5–36

Big Picture:Luke records Jesus’ lengthy discourse on a pair of related events: the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD,and the Lord’s return. Luke focuses on the destruction of Jerusalem with more intensity than do Matthew or Mark. Luke covers both events because for Jesus the destruction of Jerusalem is like the Last Day when Jesus returns. How then are we to live? We must watch and be ready. We are to live soberly and pray for strength to endure, so as to be able to stand before the Son of Man on the final day.

  1. Questions concerning the temple’s demise (5-7)
  1. Both the time before Jerusalem’s destruction in 70 AD, and before the “ultimate” end when Jesus returns, is characterized by (8-19)
  • false Messiahs
  • international rivalry/social chaos
  • natural disasters
  • persecution and faithful Christian witness.

“ . . . .but the end will not come right away.”

  1. A picture of the end: the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. (20-24)
  1. The ultimate end: the coming of the Son of Man (25-28)
  1. The parable of the fig tree and the certainty of the fulfilment of Jesus’ words (29-33)
  2. Applicationthe call to heed universal judgment and pray for strength (34-36)

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