The God Who Punishes Us Less Than We Deserve

August 25, 2019 Preacher: Alex Bloomfield Series: Ezra: Hope for the Faithful Remnant

Passage: Ezra 9:1– 10:44

Big Picture: “Ezra provides hope for the returned exiles-- and likewise Yahweh’s new covenant people-- by showing how the promises made by the Sovereign God of Heaven are unbreakable. His people are never at risk of losing their covenant blessings as a result of external hardships (chapters 1-6), but rather the present and future fortunes of the faithful remnant hinges upon internal holiness, both individual and corporate, characterized by faithfulness to God’s word. (chapters 7-10).

Chapter 9: A proper response to sin

1) The nature of the sin: idolatry.

2) The nature of Ezra’s sorrow: a model of the Godly sorrow of 2 Corinthians 7:10-11. “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. See what this godly sorrow has produced in you: what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what concern, what readiness to see justice done.”

         a) Ezra’s sorrow is earnest.

         b) Ezra’s sorrow leads to an indignation of the sin itself.

         c) Ezra’s sorrow leads to alarm.

         d) Ezra’s sorrow leads to a concern for justice to be done.

         e) Ezra’s sorrow leads to a concern for restoration, an eagerness to clear Israel by whatever means possible.

Chapter 10: Hope amidst ruin

        1) There is still hope for God’s faithful remnant (10: 1-2)

        2) Sin is messy (10: 3-44)





More in Ezra: Hope for the Faithful Remnant

August 18, 2019

The Gracious Hand of God

August 11, 2019

God's Work Cannot Be Stopped

August 4, 2019

Everyone Who's Heart God Moved