Gospel-Centred Marriage

October 13, 2019 Preacher: Series: Ephesians

Passage: Ephesians 5:21–33

Point # 1: A word to husbands, and those who aspire to become husbands: gospel-centered marriages begin with husbands who love their wives as Jesus loved the church in his death: sacrificially and for her good.

  • Question: How do the cross and the gospel connect to husbands in empowering their love for their wives?  
  • Answer: Husbands recall the death and resurrection of Jesus and connect that to biblical commands about husbanding. (e.g., 1 Peter 3:7; Colossians 3:19)


Point # 2:  A word to wives, and those who aspire to become wives: in a gospel-centered marriage, the wife submits herself to her husband as the church submits to Jesus.

  • Question: How do the cross and the gospel connect to wives, to empower their submission to their husbands?
  • Answer: They recall the church’s duty to submit to Christ, and connect that to biblical commands about being a godly wife. (1 Peter 3:1-6; Gen. 2)

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