Sunday School: Christian Ethics (Pt.10.3: War)
January 12, 2020 Preacher: Series: Sunday School: Christian Ethics
- Just War Theory
The strict rules that govern going to war, followed by the four rules regarding the conduct of war.
- The only just cause for going to war is defense against violent aggression.
- The only just intention is to restore a just peace to friend and foe alike.
- Military force must be the last resort after negotiations and other efforts have been tried and have failed.
- The decision to engage in such a just war must be made by the highest governmental authority; it is not a private matter.
- The war must be for limited ends. In other words, to repel aggression, to redress injustice, not in order to exploit or colonialize.
- The means of just war must be limited by proportionality to the offense. In other words, if someone comes and bombs one of your cities, you don’t nuke the nation.
- There must be no intentional and direct attack on noncombatants.
- War should not be prolonged where there is no reasonable hope of success within these limits.
- How we should respond to terrorist forms of violence?
“Historically, wars have changed their form, generating fresh discussion about just war theory. I think it is time to begin this process again.” (D.A. Carson)
9/11 case study
- These terrorists represent no nation.
- The technology of response has also changed the possibilities of the conflict.
- The global communications network generates what sociologists call instant reflexivity.
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