Our corporate worship service on Sunday, Feb 16 has been cancelled due to the Winter storm.

See you Thursday for prayer meeting!

Christian Suffering

February 16, 2020 Preacher: Series: 1 Peter

Passage: 1 Peter 3:13– 4:19

Big Picture: The apostle Peter gives encouragement and exhortations that address the unjust suffering faithful Christians will certainly experience. Christ is again the example, but in this section Jesus’ final victory and authority over all powers is the basis of our encouragement. Given the example of Christ, who chose to suffer and obey the will of God rather than to disobey, we’re to put behind us the sinful way of life in we used to live, even though it may mean suffering the pain of self-denial, as well as ridicule and persecution from others.


In the face of unjust suffering. . .

  1. Do not, fear Christian, because Christ is your example (3:13–22).
  1. Do not be sinful, Christian, because Christ is your Savior (4:1–4).

(4:5-11 will be the sermon text next week, Lord willing.)

  1. Rejoice in your fiery ordeal, Christian, because you are participating in Christ’s suffering (4:12-19).