On Our Way to Glory in the Suffering Church of God
March 1, 2020 Preacher: Series: 1 Peter
Passage: 1 Peter 5:1–11
Point 1: To church elders on the way to glory: be shepherds of God’s flock under your care, watching over them with the right motives (1-4)
- Overseeing the flock not as if forced, but willingly, according to God
- Overseeing the flock not greedy for gain, but eager to be of service
- Overseeing the flock not as domineering, but being role models for the flock.
- No minister is more than an under-shepherd. All must give an account to “the Chief Shepherd”—and he alone rewards his staff.
Point 2: To the congregation on the way to glory: submit to your elders (5)
How can the members of New City relate to their pastors in ways that promote unity and brings glory to God?
- Pray for your pastors
- Encourage your pastors
- Seek the counsel of your pastors and gratefully accept their reproof
- Believe the best about your pastor’s character and decisions
Point 3: To the whole church on the way to glory: clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, and humble yourselves under God’s mighty hand, casting all your anxieties and cares upon him, that he may lift you up in due time.
- Stand fast against the devil (8b–9)
- Trust God to put things right (10–11)

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