Jesus, the Son of God
May 22, 2022 Preacher: John Bell Series: The Gospel of John
Passage: John 5:16–30
- The Son insists he has the right to do what the Father does. In particular, like the Father, the Son works on the Sabbath (16-18).
- The Son insists he is subordinate to the Father, but it is a uniquely defined subordination: his functional subordination is grounded in his co-extensive action with the Father (19-23).
- The Son insists that, like the Father, he has life-in-himself (24-26).
- The Son of God insists he is also “a Son of Man” and as such, he is the God-sanctioned Judge of all (27-30)
Subordination Texts in John 5
- The Son can do nothing by himself (of his own initiative) (19).
- The Son can do only what he sees his Father doing (19).
- Whatever the Father does, the Son also does (19)
- The Father shows the Son all he does (20).
- The Father has entrusted all judgment to the Son, that all might honour the Son as they honour the Father (22)
- The Father has granted the Son to have life-in-himself (26)
- The Father gives the Son authority to judge (27)
- The Son can do nothing by himself, he judges only as he hears (30)
- The Son seeks not to please himself, but the one who sent him (30)
This sermon owes a debt to D.A. Carson’s commentary “The Gospel According to John,” and my 20-year-old notes from a cassette tape of Carson lecturing on this passage.
More in The Gospel of John
January 8, 2023
By the Sea of GalileeDecember 11, 2022
The Resurrection of JesusDecember 4, 2022
It is Finished!