Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind

June 26, 2022 Preacher: John Bell Series: The Gospel of John

Passage: John 9:1–41

BIG PICTURE: This chapter portrays what happens when Jesus, the light of the world, shines: some are made to see, like the man born blind, while others, who think they see, turn away, blinded, as it were, by the light. 

  1. The sign: Jesus, the light of the world, heals a man born blind (1-12)</span >
  2. The investigation by the Pharisees (13–34)</span >
    • The first interrogation of the healed man (13–17)</span >
    • The interrogation of the man’s parents (18–23)</span >
    • The second interrogation of the healed man (24–34)</span >
  3.  The sight of the blind and the blindness of the sighted (35–41)</span >


  • This sermon owes a debt to D.A. Carson’s “The Gospel According to John”, and “How Long, Oh Lord: Reflections on Suffering and Evil.”</span > 

More in The Gospel of John

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By the Sea of Galilee

December 11, 2022

The Resurrection of Jesus

December 4, 2022

It is Finished!