Sunday School: Christian Ethics (Pt 16.8: Divorce and Remarriage, Pt.1)
January 22, 2023 Preacher: John Bell Series: Sunday School: Christian Ethics
Divorce Texts: Deuteronomy 24:1-4; Matthew 5:31-32; Matthew 19:3-9; Mark 10:2-12; Luke 16:18; 1 Corinthians 7:10-16
Big Picture: The New Testament teaches there are only two grounds for a divorce to be valid in the eyes of God.
- Sexual immorality (πορνεία)
- The wilful separation by the unbelieving partner of a spiritually mixed marriage because of the conversion of their spouse.
Biblical principles on divorce and remarriage
- Marriage is the sacred union between one man and one woman and God’s intention is for marriage to last a lifetime.
- Divorce is not always sinful.
- Divorce is permitted, but not required, on the ground of sexual immorality.
- Divorce is permitted, but not required, on the ground of desertion by an unbelieving spouse.
- When the divorce was not permissible, any subsequent remarriage (to someone other than the original spouse) results in adultery.
- In situations where the divorce is permissible, remarriage is also permissible.
- Improperly divorced and remarried Christians should stay as they are but repent and be forgiven of their past sins and make whatever amends are necessary.

More in Sunday School: Christian Ethics
February 5, 2023
Sunday School: Christian Ethics (Pt 16.8: Divorce and Remarriage, Pt 3)January 29, 2023
Sunday School: Christian Ethics (Pt 16.8: Divorce and Remarriage, Pt 2)January 15, 2023
Sunday School: Christian Ethics (Pt 16.7: Pornography)