Responding Faithfully and Prayerfully to Trials

January 29, 2023 Preacher: John Bell Series: James: A Faith That Works

Passage: James 1:1–11

Big Picture: Christians must allow trials to accomplish their purpose in “perfecting” faith, thus giving us pure joy. 

  1. Christian, consider all manner of trials occasions for pure joy.
  • The immediate goal of trials is to build our perseverance in the faith.
  • The ultimate goal of persevering faith is eschatological perfection and completeness, when we will lack nothing.
  1. Christian, faithfulness in our approach to trials requires wisdom, which God gives to us generously and without finding fault, if we ask him. 
  1. Christian, there is a vital, intricate connection between our faith and answered prayer.
  • This “faith” is not a specific quantity, or level of purity, or degree of energy God requires of us before he will act. This faith is a continuing confidence in the identity and nature of God, as revealed in scripture. 
  1. Christian, live consistently: to pray with “doubt” is to doubt God’s holy character. Such prayers will not be answered and is indicative of a dual loyalty in our souls.
  1. Christian, no matter if you are rich or poor, always evaluate yourself by spiritual, not material, standards. This is, perhaps, the greatest “test.”