A People Eager to Do What is Good
July 30, 2023 Preacher: Alex Bloomfield Series: Titus: Good Works from Sound Doctrine
Passage: Titus 2:1–15
Big Picture of the whole book: Genuine good works emerge only from a deepening grasp of sound gospel doctrine. If godly lives are not present, neither is the gospel.
Big Picture of Titus 2: Sound gospel teaching is what transforms believers of every age, gender, and social class—creating a compelling gospel witness.
1) The necessity of sound gospel teaching. (1, 15)
- The imperatives of chapter 2: teach, teach, teach. The gospel must be taught, not just its results modelled.
2) The results of sound gospel teaching. (2-10)
- One uniting characteristic: self-control.
- A few unique applications and clarifications unique to each group.
- The overall corporate result: A compelling community. (5, 8, 10)
3) The substance of sound gospel teaching. (11-14)
- Drawing it all together: The results emerge from the teaching of the substance.
- The substance in three parts: We have been saved, we are being saved, and we will be saved.
- A discipling mindset: The germ spawned from the gospel that fuels a healthy church.
More in Titus: Good Works from Sound Doctrine
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