Ready To Do Whatever is Good... To Everyone

August 6, 2023 Preacher: Alex Bloomfield Series: Titus: Good Works from Sound Doctrine

Passage: Titus 3:1–15

The logic of Chapter 3 is the same as chapter 2…

Chapter 2: The results (2-10) emerge from the teaching (1, 15) of the substance of the gospel (11-14).

Chapter 3: The results (1-2, 9-15) emerge from the teaching (8) of the substance of the gospel (3-7).

Big Picture of Chapter 3: God’s mercy in the gospel shapes how Christians relate to a sinful world, AND how they relate to unrepentant (worldly) sinners in the church.

1) God’s mercy in the gospel (3-7)

  • Our total depravity and God’s merciful deliverance. (3-5a)
  • The Spirit’s work. (5b-6)
  • Justification by grace alone. (7a)
  • Our adoption and the certain hope it secures. (7b)

 2) The gospel’s impact on how Christians relate to unbelievers outside the church (1-2, 8)

  • The gospel is good for everyone. (8)
  • Toward government. (1)
  • Toward non-Christian neighbours. (2)


 3) The gospel’s impact on how Christians relate to unbelievers inside the church (9-11)

  • The “good work” of church discipline.
  • A sneaky sin: Christian tribalism.


4) The gospel’s impact on how Christians relate to Christians in other churches. (12-15)

  • Sacrificial gospel partnership.

More in Titus: Good Works from Sound Doctrine

July 30, 2023

A People Eager to Do What is Good

July 23, 2023

Love What is Good