God's Promise to Abraham

September 22, 2024 Preacher: John Bell Series: Genesis

Passage: Genesis 11:10– 12:9

  1. The Genealogy of Shem (11:10-26)
  1. Abraham: an idolater saved by God’s electing grace. (11:27-32)
  1. The call of Abram and the giving of the promise. (12:1-9)
  • Promise of nationhood
  • Promise of blessing
  • Promise of a great name (kingship)

The Giving of the Promise: The Call of Abram*

The divine word: command and promise (12:1–3)

Go! (Command)    

  1. I will make you into a great nation (Promise)
  2. I will bless you (Promise)
  3. I will make your name great (Promise)

Be a Blessing! (Command)

  1. I will bless those (plural) who bless you (Promise)
  2. I will curse him (singular) who curses you (Promise)
  3. In you all nations will be blessed (Promise)

Abram’s response: obedience (12:4–9)

  1. Obedience (verses 4–6)
  2. Confirmation (verse 7)
  3. Obedience (verses 8–9)

*Taken from Gentry/Wellum’s “God’s Kingdom Through God’s Covenants”